about us

Our mission is to disrupt the status quo, driving transformative growth and pushing the boundaries of innovation. We have the courage to embrace the unconventional, turning ideas into reality and empowering visionary individuals to redefine industries, shape a brighter future, and make a lasting impact.

We develop and deliver the best solutions for every client's needs

At our core, we achieve our mission by fostering an environment of audacious creativity, relentless curiosity, and strategic execution. We leverage a multidisciplinary approach that combines cutting-edge technologies, deep market insights, and agile methodologies. Our team of seasoned professionals collaborates closely with clients, working hand in hand to unlock hidden potential and overcome complex challenges. We facilitate a culture of innovation, encouraging exploration and experimentation.

Through meticulous research, prototyping, testing and iterative refinement, we transform ideas into tangible solutions that disrupt industries. Our unwavering commitment to excellence drives us to continuously push the boundaries of what is possible. By embracing emerging trends, anticipating market shifts, and maintaining a nimble mindset, we empower our clients to seize opportunities, outpace competitors, and achieve transformative growth. Together, we forge a path toward a brighter future, where bold ideas reshape the world we live in.

our values


We prioritise realism by setting achievable goals, managing expectations, and considering practical constraints. Our actionable plans align with clients’ resources, capabilities, and market realities, fostering trust, transparency, and successful outcomes.


We are dedicated to delivering concrete outcomes and making a measurable impact for our clients. Through strategic planning, meticulous execution, and ongoing evaluation, we consistently achieve meaningful and sustainable results that drive our clients’ success.


We embody a relentless pursuit of excellence, upholding the highest standards of quality, precision, and professionalism. Through meticulous attention to detail, we consistently deliver exceptional outcomes that drive client success.


We foster a culture of continuous innovation, embracing emerging trends and contemporary methodologies. Through creative problem-solving and experimentation, we deliver forward-thinking solutions that drive transformation and set new industry benchmarks.


Szymon Madej

Founder & CEO

Driven by a passion for transformative change, I am the Founder and CEO of Versoa Group. With over 15 years of experience in Supply Chain, aviation, strategy and FMCG, I have honed my skills in identifying market gaps and devising innovative game changing solutions. As a hands-on leader, I empower my customers and deliver exceptional results, propelling our clients’ businesses to unprecedented growth. My mission is to challenge traditional consulting norms and bring tangible, forward-thinking strategies to drive success. Let’s collaborate and unlock your business’s true potential.

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